
compare and contrast

Joseph Kim

English 10

Compare and Contrast Essay

May 10, 2010

                                                Reading book vs. Watching the movie

                “Harry Potter book is out! Let’s go buy the book!” We don’t really hear that statement as much as we heed the statement, “Harry Potter is out on the theater! Let’s go watch it this weekend!” Books inspire people to make movie, which in-turns inspires those who didn’t read the book. While there are many and similarities between reading the book and watching the movie, there are differences that let each stand out on itself.

                Some of the similarities between film and books include helping us relax, and for most people, it is an entertainment that people do most of the time. Both books and movies are highly recognized as things we do when we are bored. It is possible to think that books and movies are the same because they both give the same general idea behind the story. Not like video games, such as PS3, or X-box, books and movies are easy to carry and can entertain more than four people at the same time. Books and movies are good for all ages.

Positive things about movies vary, but the major one would be that they are so simple and relaxing thing to do especially when you are traveling and have nothing to do. Now days, movies can be in computer, mp3, and even cell-phones, which provides simpler ways for any people to watch movie at any place, and at any time. When you are in an airplane, sharing seat with a stranger, you can’t just turn on the light at night, just so you can read a book. But a movie in a mp3 player or a computer wouldn’t disturb the person and you can watch the movie and still get the same story as reading the book. Not only that, if you watch the movie instead of reading the book, you will be able to save time  because most of you are not a fast readers, and if you try to read fast, you might miss out on an important information. For an example, if your English class teacher asked you to read Harry Potter in one day and write an essay about it, how would you be able to finish your task with confidence? As you know, if you had to read it, it would take more than two hours to finish the thick and long book. Where if you were watching the movie, it would take maximum two hours to finish and get the same idea as the book. Then, you will have more time to write on your essay and have confidence with the work.

                Positive things about the books may vary from person to person, but the major one would be that books contain small details. Although books take little more time to finish, compared to movies, books gives more entertainment in a way, than films because they are so flexible with different points of view of the idea of the story. Movies lack incredibly with small details mainly because it simply cannot be seen with our eyes. For an example, in Harry Potter, the book says, “Harry thought to himself, that Ron is actually handsome,” how would the movie show that? Books give generally more details so that we can “watch” the story behind our eyelids. Our imaginations are amazingly good at showing the story behind the book with our point of view, whereas, movies are shown in the director’s point of view, about the story; which explains why a lot of people say, “I thought the movie was quite lame” or “I think the movie could have been better.” Only few people are satisfied with how the movie was showing the idea of the story. Most of the people expected more or less with the movie because they had another perspective to the story. A good example would be the movie Star Wars. What if you are a fan of Dark Vader? Since Dark Vader and Skywalker is the same person, shouldn’t the movie show Dark Vader as unfortunate villain character? But instead, the movie shows Dark Vader as the dreadful villain. Films force you to think a specific way, whereas books allow us to imagine without boundaries.

                Reading the book is more affective in our life; as we are ask to read in everyday life. Practicing reading skills is also good because we are basically practicing another communicating skill. Although we can be lacking in time, so we may watch the movies to get the basic idea, we should always try to read the book. Like mentioned previously, reading can almost recreate a “movie” behind our eyelids, and this specific characteristic, can never be replaceable from some ordinary film. Therefore, if you are in a hurry, watching the film may be better thing to do. But if you got the time, it is highly recommended that you read the book. Both films and books possess their own special characteristics; some may find films interesting, others may find it distorting.


F 451

Joseph Kim

English 10

Mrs. Gwaltney  F451 Q&A


1)     Although Montag is very confused about whether Beatty is correct about books or the woman, he still chooses to read books because he is very curious about what is in the books that is so special that a woman would die for it. I personally think that there are no better teacher than books. People from all times learned from books. Even at times of Jesus! Jesus referred to the bible, which was a book every time! His teachings was from the books of the Old Testaments!

2)     I choose Montag as my example. The internal conflict may be that Montag is very confused about why some people would die for books. For example in pages 33-34, there is a conversation between Beatty and Montag, and Montag says, “I’ve tried to imagine, just how it would feel. I mean, to have firemen burn our houses and our books.” And then later in page 36, Montag describes his feelings about books to his wife Mildred about every book having a person behind it writing for some special reason. There is a lot of external conflict, and one conflict could be that there is a war going on. On page 32 on the bottom side, Montag says, “A radio hummed somewhere.” “…war may be declared any hour. This country stands ready to defend its…” but the country citizens don’t even know about the war and don’t really care because they think it is alright to not care about other parts of the world since they are wealthy and healthy. Another external conflict may be that Beatty keeps on trying to convince Montag that books aren’t real and because Montag is very curious about books, as it is shown in pages 54-55;  Beatty asked, “ When did it all start. You ask, this job of ours, how did it come about, where, when? Well. I’d say it really got started around about a thing called the Civil War.” Beatty starts to slowly get rid of Montag.

3)     Fantasie-Impromptu Op.66 by Chopin came to my mind. Well, actually when I heard this song, the book came into my mind. Because in the beginning of this song, the feelings of this song has a fast tempo and is very rushed and somewhat messy. Just like Montag in the beginning when he didn’t care about anything but himself and had other people telling him what to do which didn’t really excite him in life. But as the song goes on, it has a sudden change of style or genre to a classical, soft song, which then reminds me of when Montag met Clarisse and learned a new meaning in life. After that, the song returns to the old style but somewhat faster, similar to like when Montag realizes that Clarisse is dead, and his wife doesn’t even care about whether other people die in this world. Montag gets all confused and messed up. The ending of this song is in a very peaceful style and has low notes that gives me a feeling of having unfinished sense, like an on-going ending. Just like how Montag ran away and just left and had a happy ending.

4)     I would like to save the Magician’s Nephew from the Chronicles of Narnia, because they have been my favorite book for over four years now. I read it for the first time in fourth grade and after reading it one time, I got really into the book and read it at least 10 times just  in that year! It has been my favorite book and still is because I felt just like one of the character in the book and as the character in the book overcame his hard times, it helped me to overcome my hard times too! So that is why I would like to save the Magician’s Nephew from the Chronicles of Narnia.


Good earth

Joseph Kim

English 10   

Good Earth Project- Wealth as a Destroyer of Traditional Values

March 8 2010

Wealth as a Destroyer of Traditional Values

“If only I had little more extra money, they would have changed the world. If only I was rich”, everyone in the world had thought of this statement at least once in their whole life. Why does everyone want to be affluent? There may be a lot of positive side of being prosperous but at the end of the day, money is just a tool that destroys our world.

In the beginning of the book, “The Good Earth”, Wang Lung, the main character works extremely hard on his small farm land that his father once owned. When Wang Lung was getting married, he uses his money very carefully by avoiding wasting, even a single penny. In page twenty, it says, “using more than three pennies in the street was uncomfortable for Wang Lung.” Because Wang Lung and his father were the only people who had to get fed daily, he did not use a lot of money on either on food or clothes. Some people can see this as stinginess of a person; but in Wang Lung’s point-of-view, he had no choice but to be very stingy. Because he had very little farm land, where he worked everyday getting water and farming; and on top of his work, Wang Lung had to take care of his father and his marriage appointment. Money gave Wang Lung a hard time and made him realize how cruel money could be, and how hard it is to earn money. Through Wang Lung’s hard work and time, he cherished his money and his small land.

In page 357 of “The Good Earth,” Wang Lung says his last words to his sons saying that he did a good job of working hard, but he did a terrible job of keeping his family together and ruining his sons’ traditional values such as the respect of the land and money. What could this mean? Well, although Wang Lung’s sons went through hard time when their family was in the South, when money came around, everything changed too quickly in the family. When Wang Lung was making great amount of money from the land he had bought from the Hwang family, he started to be lazier and focused on other women more than O-Lan. As a result, Wang Lung lost his respectful wife, his tradition and his son’s future. The sons did not realize how precious money and land meant for a person. What Wang Lung did made him realize his failure and hope for the best, when what he should have done was to make his sons work like he had to, so they could realize how wonderful and thankful money is to them.

Wang Lung’s first reason to get rich was to let his father live a better life. He hoped that his family would be happier and live in a better environment so that the children don’t have to go through hard times like Wang Lung did; but he didn’t realize that without hard work, money meant nothing to the children, and though the children lived without any hard work, they failed to understand the layers of meaning with money. The money made them realize that their traditional work as a farmer meant nothing, and becoming a merchant can earn more money with less work. When Wang Lung heard this, he felt very sad and back-stabbed. He did not expect that his sons to sell his hard worked land to someone and become a merchant.

Having no money can make a person miserable; but it keeps their morals straight, where having more money than a person needs leads to selfishness and no self-awareness. It is crucial that money doesn’t overwhelm them and make them lose track of the reason why they were earning money.


Lord of the flies

Joseph Kim


English 10 Dinner Table


                                                Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?


               Jack                                                                                                                                         Ralph


Me: I’m sorry; we only have 1 butter knife. Do you guys mind if we all share?

Ralph: Sure, why not.

Piggy: I don’t mind.

Jack: Oh, alright then, but I get to use it first!

Me: Be my guest. You’re first!

Jack: Joseph! Where is the peanut butter jam?

Me: Oh, I heard Piggy was allergic to peanuts, so I didn’t bring it out.

Ralph: Argh! Stupid Piggy! Why are you allergic to such a wonderful food? Can you at least take strawberry?

Piggy: Well, you see, I was the only boy who was allergic to peanut back at my school. But strawberry… I guess I’m okay with that since, you asked so nicely.

Me: Alright, I’ll be right back then. Strawberry jam, coming right up!

———————————-2 minute later————————————————————————————–

Jack: About time you got here! Give it to me!

Me:  Alright, here it is.

Jack: Yum, the pork is quite nice. It tastes very fresh. I know what a fresh pork taste like by experience.

Me: Sorry, we are out. You ate the last FIFTH piece of the MEAT!!

Jack: what are you trying to say? I brought the meat; I protected all of you guys from bullies!

Ralph: Look, we all appreciate the fact that you helped us with a lot of things. But you cannot use that fact to play us around!

Piggy: Yeah, besides, because we thank you, we even invited you to this dinner.

Jack: Oh, booh, whoo, for you guys! Hey Piggy! I will help you with another thing! Look there! (When Piggy looked to a random spot Jack pointed, Jack tried to take Piggy’s meat.)

Piggy: Look at what…. Hey! Give it back to me! No. Stop it! Give it back!

Ralph: Jack! Behave yourself! Or else…

Jack: Or else what! This isn’t even your house!

Me: Guys stop! Jack you ate a lot, give Piggy back his meat!

Piggy: Thank you… (Sticks his tongue at to Jack)

Ralph: Good job Jack… Hey, Joseph, can you pass me the salt?

Jack: oh, I get it; you guys are just against me for being stronger then all of you!

Me: Stop, stop. Anyways, Piggy, who did you think was a better leader in the group and why?

Jack: What the freak?!

Ralph: Jack let him talk!

Piggy: well, you see, I admire Jack with his strong and bold leadership, but as we all know, he was too much into bloody hunting! Where as…(before Piggy could finish)

Jack: I fed you, I protected you, and I was the one who was brave enough to go to the beast and get him a sacrifice!

Ralph: I went too! Remember?!

Jack: Yeah, whatever, you ran away way before I did!

Me: Guys! Stop! Please, do go on Piggy.

Piggy: Like Jack said, if we were going to stay in the island rest of my life because we had no hope for going anywhere else, I would have liked Jack more because he brought food and protection. But that was not the case here, now was it Jack?

Jack: Why are you looking at me like that? Just finish your story.

Piggy: So I’m saying that Ralph was a better leader at this time because he had his head straight for us to get rescued from this terrible island. He wanted to get all of us out of the island more than Jack, so I liked Ralph more.

Me: Wow, I see.

Jack: Well, Boo, Whoo… if it wasn’t for me, you would have starved and went scared to death in that island and been killed before anyone of you guys would have gotten rescued!

Piggy: True, but we would not have gone blood thirst, crazy like you and your gang went.

Me: Well… which is worse? Going blood thirst and going crazy to get adapt to the place? Or starving and being scared to death?

Ralph: We would not been starving. We had fish, fruits, and some other sea food we could not identify. Also, we would not have gotten scared if you and your gang made the whole beast thing such a big deal out of it. We would have moved on with our lives, and gotten rescued even without the help of you and your gang!

Jack: What the heck! That’s it! (Throws the table up-side-down, and goes to hit Ralph.

Me: Guys stop! That is it! I’m going to call both of you guys’ parents!

——-10 minutes later————————-

Piggy: I’m sorry about the mess and the trouble we have brought into your house. But I enjoyed your meal. Thank you. See you next time!

Me: Yeah… it’s okay. See ya!




I am a cheese cake.

I live in a land of raspberry pieces;

In a place flowing with cheese

and flour;

in a universe full of sugar and everything delicious

eggs, vanilla, cheese, and possibly baking soda.

I live in the land filled with crunchy raspberries

And chewy bottom

Where one bite of the cake

Stuffed into biting,

Filling my mouth with water,

Where even the small little crumbs can’t possibly

Dripping down the chins and onto the clothes

And to the floor.

Cheesecake seems happy, but

They have extremely short life expectancy.

The skin is very yellow with blue and red dots all over

The taste begins with the smell,

The mouth waters,

But everyone knows,

There is no one, on earth, that knows how

Cheesecake actually taste like,

Because it is eaten very rapidly.


Confusion attacks

All you can possibly see is light grey,

My heart beats slowly.

Confusion attacks.

My eyes clench

I wish I can punch,

Scream in frustration.

Confusion attacks

Nothing can support me but time

I get tired and depressed

Seem like everything became softer shade

Confusion had attacked.


Sin Eater essay

Joseph Kim

English 10

Character Analysis



I have chosen Fagan because I felt like Fagan had matured the most in the novel, “The Last Sin Eater,” and had lost a tight relationship with his father because he had stood up for what is right. I really admire his bravery and courageous choices that he made even though he knew he would lose relationship with his father and took chances getting his life in danger. If I was Fagan, I wouldn’t have been able to stand up for the holy man at the river (pg. 187-188) against my father just because a stranger told me about this new sin eater called Jesus. When I first read about Fagan, Mr. Robert came to my mind because I remember in MEW he talked about being bold and our name being on the Devil’s list. I felt as if I was imagining Mr. Robert as I read the story because a lot of choices Fagan made were very similar to what Mr. Robert had done in the pass.

           In the beginning of the story, Fagan is fishing with his buddies, and he is very kind to Cadi although some other kids were mean to her because she was weird. Fagan feared his father the most and did not do anything that would make him angry. He was like his father’s puppet. The author made it quite clear that Fagan cared for Cadi because in page 30, when Cadi tells the people that she is looking for the sin eater, everyone else says that she is crazy and she shouldn’t waste her life by looking for the devil. But Fagan says, (pg30) “Why don’t we look for him?” and also tells Cadi, “you looked at him, dinna ye? Dinna ye know you’re not supposed to look at him, Cadi Forbes? Dinna anyone tell ye?” (when Fagan figured that Cadi Forbes looked at the Sin Eater.) Another example that Fagan cared for Cadi yet fearing father is on page 32, where Fagon tells Cadi, “We shouldn’t really be looking for the sin eater because my father told me not to even mention about it.” Then he goes back home.

           Fagan changes throughout the book by first, being a puppet to his father, and then, he being able to stand up against his father for what is right.  In the begging, on page 63, when Cadi goes to deeper forest, Fagan jumps in to help Cadi and tell her someone needs to protect her. But once he heard his father’s whistle, he immediately went back home because he feared his father will know he was looking for the sin eater. But later, on page 134, when Cadi, Fagan, and the stranger was talking about Jesus and Fagan’s father came, he didn’t run away. Although Cadi pleaded Fagan to come hide with her, he denied it to stand up for the stranger with the truth even though he knew he was going to get serious injuries. This is an important change for Fagan because through this, Fagan could not go back home to rely everything to his parents, and grew much matured out of it.

At the end of the book, Fagan was much matured, and he realizes what his father was trying to do and that what his grandfather and his father did was very wrong. On page 255, when Cadi and Fagan were reading the pictures in the cave, (although Fagan at first didn’t know it was his grandfather, but he knew something was wrong about killing all the Indians and taking their land.) I think the change Fagan made was a change most people should have in their junior or senior life of high school as they are getting ready to go to the real world. Because the world outside of school is so dangerous and so slick, if we are not alert enough, we won’t be able to survive.

           This novel made me realize once again, that truth always reveals itself as time goes by. Nothing can stop the truth coming out. As the truth about the sin eater and the village’s history came out, Fagan and Cadi will become a wise and both spiritually and mentally matured enough that they will lead the village well. Not only will he become a good leader, but as time passed, I am sure that Fagan will invite his father to Christ as time has passed and his father had a time for him to think over what had happen.


Reflective Essay

Joseph Kim

English 10

Reflective Essay

                                          The longest drive

It was a quiet and depressing day for me, that day. Nothing was going right that day. What’s the matter with me? I would wonder to myself. But just as I was thinking, nothing could be more hateful then this day, where my father came up to me and told me that we had to talk. Of course, I was dreadfully scared and was in a abysmal situation. The whole family got into the car, like the mafia taking a prisoner, and my father drove out. No one talked even a single word. I quickly took this opportunity to think of all the bad things that I have done during the week. Was it my bad grades? Did my father found out that I lied to him billions of times in our shared life time? Five minutes passed, and I asked carefully to my parents to absolve my problem. When there was no answer, I secretly asked my sister what was going on, and as my sister was just about to reply, my father said, “ Do you know what you have done?” very slowly and calmly. Too calm actually, this made me more frighten. “No, sorry, but I seriously do not know what I have done wrong.” I replied slowly, as there was no reply after words.

           After few minutes passed, I sensed that we were going to the reservoir near Batu Ferringhi, because that’s the place where my parents had taken me when I did something excessively wrong. As my mind was becoming very acumen, I started to notice few of the buildings that we were passing by. Suddenly, the car stopped. My father asked me to get out of the car. Thousands and thousands of ideas of what might happen in five minutes rushed into my confused head. I couldn’t hear or even notice what I was doing at that time because of all the scenarios I thought of that could happen.

           I had full of acrimonious ideas, therefore, I couldn’t realize where I was even standing. I followed my parents into a ship-liked building; and as I walked in, it was so dark, yet smelled so good. I thought the evil was playing a trick on my mind, making me think of nonsense. But as I smelled, longer, everything didn’t make sense. I could not figure out what was happening, or even where I was1 Just then, I saw my sister laughing her head out and my parents ordering while day were laughing. While everyone was laughing, my five senses came back, and I noticed that the ambience has changed dramatically. Good smell, a romantic family restaurant, and my parents smiling? Nothing came to my empty mind what my parent’s next move was. Then after a great laughter from my family as I was confused the whole time, my mother said gently, Congratulations! This threw me off. I was totally lost and I just wanted to restart everything. I was totally lost. Then my father continued my mother’s sentence saying that I had passed violin, piano, and music theory test, all above ninety-five percent. I was very shocked. I thought of every stupid idea I had while coming to the restaurant, “The Ship.” My family was acting the whole way here and at the last moment; they just couldn’t help but to laugh out loud.  

           Every moment in this experience was very intense and scary. But later on, I realized, that I should treasure every moment I have with my family, because from this year, I only have two more years living with them. Not only that, but life is fun, because life is full of counter-attacks, and unexpected surprises. Though it was very scary and challenging at that moment, I had enjoyed every little time I had with my family, celebrating the joy of my successful achievements with unexpected surprises. With all the things my family and I had done together, this was my favorite memory and the scariest.


Responce to Literature

Joseph Kim

English 10

Response Essay


                             The Five People You Meet in Heaven

        Do you think you changed someone’s life tremendously before?  Do you have a tiny spot in your heart that wishes to make a difference in someone’s life? Well, you may not know this, but God has created everyone in a purpose and everyone affects everyone’s life. The book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, shows us that there are people who change our life significantly, and we may not know who they are.  

          This book by Mitch Albom said, “Anyone and everyone can make a change in their life. It isn’t us who build our future, but it’s our character that changes others future” (p.125). It’s true that we try to make a difference in other people life. Though sometimes, it may turn out to ruin their life. It is very difficult and frustrating to change a person’s life. But whether we know it or not, we change everyone’s life by being ourselves. It is just human nature to change everything. In the beginning of the book, the main character has a terrible life because it seemed everyone around him hated him and left him. But actually, it was quite the opposite. There were five different men that came to main character’s dream. First guy was a total random guy that he sort of saw in circus when he was a young boy. But the random guy took pills which turned him blue and one day he tried to take his own life. But as he was about to, the main character accidentally hits the blue man with a ball. After the blue man realize what he was about to do, he feels very embarrassed and had a happier life. A simple thing like that changed a person’s life.

          Some people tend to be afraid of having a change, but actually, it’s not change that they are afraid of, it is things a person must or cannot do anymore. In page 167 in the book, the main character meets a person who hated to have a change in their life. Though he seemed like he didn’t care about anyone but him, the person changed the main character’s life. Because the person didn’t want to stop drinking and smoking, the main character’s life was ruin in the beginning. He did not know what he had to do. But later, in heaven, when the main character met him, the stranger said, “Son, the only reason I acted so cold to you, is because I cared about you. The outside world is so cruel, and I didn’t want you to have hard time out there.” Then the stranger turned out to be the main character’s father and they had a father-and-son moment and soon enough, the main character forgave his father. Later when the main character woke up from all this experience, the main character has a totally new life because he let go of the past and started to see what he can do to help make a difference in other people’s life.

Though it seems very small at the time, maybe even saying hi to a random person can change their life in the long term. Everyone is designed to change. Look at our culture, our society, our environment. Everything is changing because change is our second nature. This book shows how we can help others in our life that changes other people’s life positively.


Descriptive Essay

Joseph Kim

English 10


Descriptive Essay

Experience in the swimming pool

In the beginning, there was a swimming pool. The owner said, “Let there be water in the pool with wooden decorations around.” Then the workers filled the swimming pool with crystal clear water and surrounded it with beautiful, traditional, Malaysian features such as masks and special kinds of chairs. People of different races and ethnicity came to visit the nesting grounds, otherwise known as a resort. Parents, brothers, sisters, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, and even close friends all rushed into the resort to cool themselves down after a long, hot traveling trip they had taken to come to the secret resort. We could smell the freshness and fragrance of the water from a distance. It was almost impossible not to hear the birds chirping by, the geckos making their sounds, and the beautiful, majestic, and smooth sound of the wind, almost like it was from “Pocahontas.”

Almost forty degrees Celsius, the weather was scorching. The water was sparkling like a spring of joy and relaxation. There were not many people in the pool by the time I was in. Maybe just a few grownups swimming at one end of the pool doing their so called, “Butterfly.” But to me, it just looked like a guy who had jumped up and down, hitting stomach first on the water. It was a perfect opportunity to swim as fast as I wanted, kick the water as hard as I wanted, and have a water fight with my father for as long as I wanted. After a short while, as soon as the sun was covered by the resort’s building, thousands of sweating people came for a swim. It was very hard to swim even though the swimming pool was as big as a football stadium in Texas.

I had no desire to give up my precious space in the pool, so I fought back with the sweating, evil intruders. Though it was tough, I managed to get some people out of the pool when I jumped, in an unmannerly way, as high as I could; I felt the huge splash going all over the place to the other people. I felt a little dazzling feeling on my feet, but I reckon that it was a glorious jump. After repeating the jumps over and over, I felt very dizzy, but I had felt proud because I kept my personal space. However, I fell into the water without regaining my breath. This caught me by surprise. As soon as I felt the water, I woke up and there I stood in the middle of the pool. I felt so lost. All I could see were people swimming pass me. Then suddenly, somebody shouted, “Someone is bleeding!” Then, I knew, the dazzling feeling I had earlier was not so glorious after all.

It turned out that a long needle, around six centimeters long, was ripping my feet and made a mark that was at least three centimeters wide. It was very serious. I felt my feet turning numb and my eves became blurry due to of blood. My feet were all wrinkled due to swimming for a long time, and all the people in the pool came out; and I could see one spot in the pool with red fluid just floating around. Just like a red food coloring in water, the blood in the pool was slowly getting dispersed.

When I went to the hospital, which was very far away from the resort, I had to buy extra blood because I had lost a tremendous amount of it. Funny thing about blood type is, that if you are transferring blood, you require the exactly same type of blood, and in my family, everyone had different types of blood. My dad being an A, and my mom being a B, made my sister with AB and me, unfortunately, with O. It was very expensive to buy the blood in the hospital. The doctor put a really long needle up the joining near my arm and let the bloods go in. I didn’t really remember clearly what was happening, but the inserting of needle, I remember clearly. I could not speak, or hear clearly to what the others were saying.

We had planned to be in the resort for three days, and instead, we spent three days in hospital. Fortunately, I was able to get out of the hospital by the end of our vacation. We headed back to Penang and wondered what had happened during the holidays. Though we didn’t do all the fun activities we had planned, we did manage to make our family tighter through caring for one another. It was a vacation our family will treasure for life.


Persuasive Essays

Joseph Kim

English 10

Persuasive Essay


Dating in High School

Should we be dating when we are in High School? Many people believe that dating during high school can affect our life tremendously. However, the studies show that most of the time, safe dating in high school lead to great social skills and good time management skills. There are two reasons why dating in high school is only good if the students make good decisions, such as not having sexual activity.

The first idea is having a safe dating requires only having good communication between the parents and ask your good friends about the date. In the first place, if we have good communication between the parents and the students, the parents will not suspect any wrong doings, and possibly provide guidance to a healthier relationship between the students. Equally importance is to ask your friends about their opinion about the date because they might see the girl in a different way and can help you see things about the date that the student could have missed. Having a good communication between your friends and family will not only bring healthy relationship, but a good social skill as well.

The second thought is to be your-self and not act someone that you are not. In support of this, if the students try to act more than what they are, the relationship will not last long because the date of the student did not like the student itself, but the fake student who was acting. Also, if the student works too hard to impress the date all the time, soon enough, the student will get tired and sick of acting out and soon break up. Consequently, being your-self is very important in a relationship in high school because not only it brings out the true you, but helps you make the wise decision in a relationship.

Now that we know more about dating, some possible outcomes to high school dating would be a better social life, happier living, and self confidence. However, if this is an unhealthy relationship involving sex, this could lead to a fatal relationship with students. Try to talk to friends and family to see their opinion about the date. Take another step to decide whether you are being yourself or not. There should be dating in high school for it brings out a lot of good skills out of it as long as it is a healthy relationship.

May 2024